Rob, Peter, and Mark began collaborating on this project in 1993. The first six editions of the book were published by Little, Brown & Co., which was acquired by Aspen Law & Business, which was acquired by Wolters Kluwer. The book enjoyed steady growth as the intellectual property field developed. Yet as advances in digital technology reshaped the world around us—from Internet search to online publishing—we, and our adopters and students, saw relatively little change in our publishing market. Prices continued to rise each year. Publishing schedules remained rigid. The publishing of our book seemed suspended in time. Most frustratingly, our students were paying over $250 for a book that generated just $15 in total royalties. This pattern conflicted with the logic of our book and scholarship. Advances in digital technology and competition should have been driving prices down, not up. Our frustration grew.
These issues came to a head in September 2014. When our publisher indicated that we missed the deadline for getting our book into the summer 2015 catalog, we dusted off our original publishing contract from December 1993. In checking the revision clause, we recognized that we held copyright in the work and retained the right to prepare derivative works.
Once we realized that we had the right to self-publish future editions, we faced a choice: stay with a leading publisher or take on the start-up costs and day-to-day operations of self-publishing. Peter had been writing about disintermediation in the media industries and strongly believed the time was ripe to branch out on our own. He posed a simple question: how would we view this choice ten years down the road? A quick review of self-publishing options indicated that we could substantially reduce the cost of our book while providing students with more convenient access—both digital versions and print-on-demand. We hoped to reduce the cost of IPNTA by 75-90%— depending on whether students choose an eBook or print book— from the 6th edition price point. We could also move to annual editions and take control over the production pipeline. This would ensure that our book was always current. Although striking out on our own involved some risk and additional tasks, failing to take this path would perpetuate an obsolete and unjustifiably costly burden on students at a time when they can ill afford it. We decided to take the plunge.
After reviewing options, we decided to begin our self-publishing experiment with Amazon. (We retain copyright ownership and hence flexibility to try other platforms as the marketplace evolves, an important lesson from various media markets.) Amazon’s publishing platform imposes size limits that required us to divide our book into two volumes: Volume I covering Philosophical Perspectives, Trade Secrets, and Patent Law; Volume II covering Copyright Law, Trademark Law, and Other State IP Law Protections. The volumes are available as eBooks and on-demand publishing on This has the virtues of reducing the weight of what students need to carry around on a daily basis and creating more modular teaching options. Students can order the volumes directly from Amazon. These images are linked to the Amazon eStore: