COMING ATTRACTIONS: We plan to publish 2025 editions of Volumes I and II, and Intellectual Property Statutes by July 2025. We will update the website accordingly when the books are ready.

Welcome to IPNTA.com, online home of Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age. This website supports professors and students interested in learning more about Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age, co-authored by Peter Menell, Mark Lemley, Robert Merges, and Shyamkrishna Balganesh.

2023 Editions Now Available

We continue to offer Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age: 2023 (Volume I: Perspectives, Trade Secrets & Patents and Volume II: Copyrights, Trademarks & State IP Protections) for 2024. It covers the Supreme Court's IP cases from the current Term and other recent developments. In addition, we will continue to offer Intellectual Property Statutes. IPNTA has long been the best-selling general intellectual property coursebook. The volumes are priced substantially below traditional publisher pricing: Volume I sells for $30; Volume II sells for $37; and IP Statutes sells for $37. During our seven years of self-publishing, students saved over $8 million compared to traditional publisher pricing.

While the books are designed to work together for a survey course, they are available for sale separately. Some professors teaching one, two, or three credit IP courses focusing on trade secret law, patent law, copyright law, trademark law, IP in entertainment law, or some combination thereof have adopted Volume I or Volume II. The Introductory and Trade Secret chapters are available for free download.

ISBN-13: 978-1-945555-24-4

ISBN-13: 978-1-945555-25-1

ISBN-13: 978-1-945555-26-8

In addition, Chapters 1 and 2 are also available on SSRN so that students can sample the book before committing to the class.

Here is the full Table of Contents (with internal pagination):

Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age

Which brings us to what we hope is a New Publishing Age for all manner of academic publishing. In addition to releasing IPNTA2--- (we plan to designate new editions by publication year rather than volume number), we launched Clause 8 Publishing, a new publishing venture to “promote Progress” in intellectual property education (and possibly more). We plan to introduce a series of complementary products, enhancements, supplementary texts, multimedia, and other resources for adopters and students—at low cost and with easy accessibility. You will be able to learn about these resources at IPNTA.com and Clause8Publishing.com.

Peter has managed the transition of our book to a self-publishing model and will be taking the lead on establishing this platform. Those interested in adopting our book (or anything else about the project) should contact him at pmenell@law.berkeley.edu.

In retrospect, the subject matter covered by our original edition—philosophical perspectives on intangible resources, promoting progress in technology and creative expression, and competition policy—set us on the path to DIY/New Age publishing. Copyright law seeks to harness market forces to encourage creative expression and widespread dissemination. It builds bridges between creators and those who value their work. Digital technology and the Internet enhance these powerful forces by lowering the costs of creation and providing the virtual dissemination bridges. We feel fortunate to have liberated our book and very much look forward to working with law professors and students in building a more productive marketplace and community for IP teaching materials.

Anyone who has questions or concerns should feel free to contact Peter Menell at pmenell@law.berkeley.edu.

Peter S. Menell
Mark A. Lemley
Robert P. Merges
Shyamkrishna Balganesh